Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?

I remember back in my mid 20s and 30s when I was chronically underemployed. I was a lawyer getting into more and more debt. I feared and hated the courtroom; I was ill equipped to write legal briefs, memos or litigate, and I had absolutely no idea what job to apply for. Everything was horrifically… Continue reading Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?

Growing Where You Are Planted

Scripture commands us to love God and love people. We are also called to comfort others with the comfort we ourselves received. This could mean talking to people about Jesus. Or it could mean paying for someone’s coffee or even their cancer treatment. But as a practical matter, how do we do these things? How… Continue reading Growing Where You Are Planted

What Is Faith? How Do We Leverage Our Faith?

As a young Christian I always struggled with what it means to have faith. The problem was that no one would define it for me. And equally bad, no one would give me practical applications of how to exercise this faith. I remember being told things like “you need to step out on faith” or… Continue reading What Is Faith? How Do We Leverage Our Faith?

Works v. Leveraging Your Faith

We often confuse works with leveraging our faith. Yes, both works and faith are intertwined with one another, and it’s easy to assume these are the same things. But they’re not. Off the bat, we can never do enough works. Indeed, there’s always something more we can strive for. Always something more we could have… Continue reading Works v. Leveraging Your Faith

Why Self Pity (Not Trying) Is Much Worse Than Failing

Below is a letter of encouragement to a Jesus filled friend who struggles with self pity and sometimes wonders if he should even try. Several times at the height of his self pity, the Lord had him come across a person who delights in Jesus even though the man was confined to a wheelchair. My… Continue reading Why Self Pity (Not Trying) Is Much Worse Than Failing

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?

While many harp on the prosperity gospel, the fact is that no matter what we do, we’ll inevitably have despair, we will certainly face hardship, and we’re absolutely guaranteed to have suffering. We don’t have to pursue these things. Such trials will come naturally. This is what happened to all 12 disciples. This is what… Continue reading What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?

Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

A few days ago, a lawyer friend of mine brought up the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And to my surprise, she asked me how we could pray for Putin. One thing she suggested, was that we could channel our prayers so the goodness in Putin’s heart would resurface, and he would now change his evil… Continue reading Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?

Many Christian debate over whether tithing is still required after Jesus’ death and resurrection. But before I join the debate, let’s define what tithing is and is not. Tithing VS GivingPeople often confuse tithing with giving, and they use these words interchangeably as if they are one and the same. But Old Testament tithing and… Continue reading To Tithe Or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?

What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?


Below is a letter based on what I wrote to Ron, a Christian who thinks he’s a filthy rag and unworthy of love because of his sins. If you struggle with trying to do enough to please God, then this may be helpful to you. Please know that you are no longer in debt. Jesus… Continue reading What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?