What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?


Below is a letter based on what I wrote to Ron, a Christian who thinks he’s a filthy rag and unworthy of love because of his sins. If you struggle with trying to do enough to please God, then this may be helpful to you. Please know that you are no longer in debt. Jesus… Continue reading What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?

A Mess In Progress

Often, it’s the slow learners who make the best teachers. I should know. Ten years after being a Christian, I was still seeing prostitutes. Twenty years after being a Christian, I was still in the grips of pornography. I’m free of that now. But realistically, what if I went back to it all tomorrow? Would… Continue reading A Mess In Progress

The Problem With Self Punishment

Ever feel that you’re in the zone?  You’ve doing everything right spiritually, you’re flying high, and all is well?  Then suddenly you screw up big time and the bottom drops out from under you. Your milestone of success is gone and now you’re stuck in the tar pits of despair? I know this feeling. We’re… Continue reading The Problem With Self Punishment

Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To

  Why False Guilt Hurts God and Keeps You From Getting Close To Him  Ron,  I’ve been thinking about past sins and why we have a desire to punish ourselves for them. Sometimes the punishment takes the form of physically trying to hurt ourselves. Or by doing some kind of body numbing penance. But more… Continue reading Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To