Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

A few days ago, a lawyer friend of mine brought up the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And to my surprise, she asked me how we could pray for Putin. One thing she suggested, was that we could channel our prayers so the goodness in Putin’s heart would resurface, and he would now change his evil… Continue reading Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

What Is Truth? Is It Just About Facts?

A Letter To Ron: Earlier you mentioned that you keep running into that guy in the wheelchair, and that you can’t understand why in spite of his infirmity, he still has this unexplainable joy. I know you are going through some scary and difficult times. And that it’s hard for you to believe you can… Continue reading What Is Truth? Is It Just About Facts?

Why Would the God of the Old Testament Command the Hebrews To Conquer Their Neighbors and Kill Every Last Man, Woman and Child? How Could a Good God Ever Do Such a Thing?

Often, skeptics will claim there’s no need to worship the God of the Bible. After all, why believe in a God who is petty, vengeful and mean spirited? Indeed, many non-Christians object to Old Testament “atrocities” as barbaric and horrific. And they use this to prove Christians are morally stupid and should be ignored. In… Continue reading Why Would the God of the Old Testament Command the Hebrews To Conquer Their Neighbors and Kill Every Last Man, Woman and Child? How Could a Good God Ever Do Such a Thing?

Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

This blog is meant for both Christians and non-Christians. Christians need to know they vastly underestimate God’s grace and love for those who don’t know Jesus. God bends over backwards to save the lost sheep and to reach those who reject Him. He is far more compassionate and zealous for them than we can ever… Continue reading Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

What Does Maturing in Jesus Really Look Like?

Ever wonder if we’re becoming more or less like Jesus? Or what it means in our day to day life to be a “mature” Christian? I’ve always been a big fan of the practical. Fluffy pie in the sky theology just won’t do it for me. And if you’re like me in this, you too… Continue reading What Does Maturing in Jesus Really Look Like?

True Prosperity: Are We Using God’s Gifts for Tools or for Trenches? What Does It Mean To Be “In the World but Not of It?”

As a young Christian, I grew frustrated whenever I heard something preachy or sermony. To me, a church sermon on Sunday meant nothing unless it could be applied to my busy work life on Monday. And so for many years, I was starving for practical application: Ways I could know if I was doing it… Continue reading True Prosperity: Are We Using God’s Gifts for Tools or for Trenches? What Does It Mean To Be “In the World but Not of It?”

Don’t Be Duped Into Fighting The Wrong Fight!

Human beings are quite a piece of work. With enough spin and enough moral outrage, we can argue, divide and dislike each other for things that are monumentally unimportant. Take for example, the age old battle over the toilet seat. Men will vehemently argue that the seat should always be up. While women assiduously decry… Continue reading Don’t Be Duped Into Fighting The Wrong Fight!

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?

Many Christian debate over whether tithing is still required after Jesus’ death and resurrection. But before I join the debate, let’s define what tithing is and is not. Tithing VS GivingPeople often confuse tithing with giving, and they use these words interchangeably as if they are one and the same. But Old Testament tithing and… Continue reading To Tithe Or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?

Is Gay Sex OK As Long As Both People Are Happy? What Is it That Makes Something Right or Wrong? (An Honest Discussion with Non-Christians)

Often Christians are accused of being mean spirited because they oppose gay marriage or are against gay sex in general. I can’t say that all Christians show love and compassion to those in the LGBTQ community. However, I wish they did. But sadly, Christians too, are in desperate need of a Savior. We all need… Continue reading Is Gay Sex OK As Long As Both People Are Happy? What Is it That Makes Something Right or Wrong? (An Honest Discussion with Non-Christians)

What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?


Below is a letter based on what I wrote to Ron, a Christian who thinks he’s a filthy rag and unworthy of love because of his sins. If you struggle with trying to do enough to please God, then this may be helpful to you. Please know that you are no longer in debt. Jesus… Continue reading What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?