Are We Trying To Domesticate God So We Feel More Secure?

The world is a scary place. Just read the recent headlines. In the U.S. alone, we’ve had yet another high school mass shooting, two devastating hurricanes which have ravaged millions, two assassination attempts on a former president who is now running again for office, scary news on global warming, boys and girls jumping to get… Continue reading Are We Trying To Domesticate God So We Feel More Secure?

Are We Abusing God’s Grace?

Christians talk a lot about “grace.” We say, “Grace and peace be with you.” We extol God for His mercy and grace. We sing about His amazing grace. And when we endure severe trials and are asked how we ever did it, who hasn’t heard someone say… “It was only because of God’s grace!” So… Continue reading Are We Abusing God’s Grace?

What Is the Fear of the Lord? How Do We Know When We Have Too Little or Too Much?

As a young Christian in my twenties, I used to cringe whenever someone talked about the fear of the Lord. To me, any kind of fear was bad. And I couldn’t escape thinking of all the times I was afraid of my own dad. How The Fear of My Dad Wrongly Shaped My Fear of… Continue reading What Is the Fear of the Lord? How Do We Know When We Have Too Little or Too Much?

Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

This blog is meant for both Christians and non-Christians. Christians need to know they vastly underestimate God’s grace and love for those who don’t know Jesus. God bends over backwards to save the lost sheep and to reach those who reject Him. He is far more compassionate and zealous for them than we can ever… Continue reading Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

Can We Handle Prosperity? Are We Too Small Minded To Receive God’s Worldly Blessings?

Those who love Jesus want to get it right. Yet often, we’re caught up in the minutia and tend to overcomplicate things. For example: Some may ask: Is it a sin to take pride in my accomplishments? Or in my case, “Is it wrong to delight because I’m free of student loan debt and have… Continue reading Can We Handle Prosperity? Are We Too Small Minded To Receive God’s Worldly Blessings?

Why Good People Go To Hell

Even in old age, my mom is still a head turner. She’s always been pretty. Always been hard working and always persevered. When we were kids, mom worked three jobs to keep us in an expensive apartment in Midtown Manhattan. Back in the 80’s I remember how hard she fought to support us when my… Continue reading Why Good People Go To Hell

The Problem With Self Punishment

Ever feel that you’re in the zone?  You’ve doing everything right spiritually, you’re flying high, and all is well?  Then suddenly you screw up big time and the bottom drops out from under you. Your milestone of success is gone and now you’re stuck in the tar pits of despair? I know this feeling. We’re… Continue reading The Problem With Self Punishment

Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?

Before I believed in Jesus, I’d get furious whenever someone proclaimed  that “anyone who doesn’t know Jesus goes to Hell.” Not that I believed in Hell. Or in a Heaven for that matter. But in my mind, I pictured Christians as nasty dogmatic Bible thumpers who must be eager to condemn others with different beliefs.… Continue reading Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?

Does God Accept Me When I Repent Only Out Of Desperation

So you screwed up big time. You did it your own way and your world came crashing down. Now you’re broke, desperate and afraid to get out of bed. And if you’re honest with yourself, this may be the only reason you’re turning to Jesus now. So even your motives suck. You’re drowning. All you… Continue reading Does God Accept Me When I Repent Only Out Of Desperation

Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To

  Why False Guilt Hurts God and Keeps You From Getting Close To Him  Ron,  I’ve been thinking about past sins and why we have a desire to punish ourselves for them. Sometimes the punishment takes the form of physically trying to hurt ourselves. Or by doing some kind of body numbing penance. But more… Continue reading Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To