Keeping Your Small Groups Real: How To Foster Unity and Spiritual Intimacy

With minor changes, this email below is what I sent to the three pastors in my church. This church is growing in numbers and has a great zeal for the Lord. But they have a serious weak spot which the devil is sure to exploit. As the church grows they will need strong small groups.… Continue reading Keeping Your Small Groups Real: How To Foster Unity and Spiritual Intimacy

Embracing the Personhood of God

Ever wonder why your faith never seems to grow? Or why in spite of your Bible studies, church attendance and church programs, your prayer life seems more like a trip to the DMV than to the playground? The fact is you’re not alone. Millions of Christians feel exactly the same way you do! Too often… Continue reading Embracing the Personhood of God

Why Can’t Christians Love God? What The Modern Church Isn’t Teaching Us

Our walk with Jesus starts small and then it matures. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be. As the Apostle Paul writes, “when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”… Continue reading Why Can’t Christians Love God? What The Modern Church Isn’t Teaching Us

How God Uses Our Suffering

When I was a young man in my 20’s, I ranted and railed against God because in my view, any God who was all loving, all powerful and all knowing would never allow suffering. My unspoken belief (however naive), was that being carefree and without pain was always good. While being beset by anguish and… Continue reading How God Uses Our Suffering

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?

While many harp on the prosperity gospel, the fact is that no matter what we do, we’ll inevitably have despair, we will certainly face hardship, and we’re absolutely guaranteed to have suffering. We don’t have to pursue these things. Such trials will come naturally. This is what happened to all 12 disciples. This is what… Continue reading What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?

The Top 3 Reasons Christians Remain Small

So you’ve known Jesus for many years but never seem to grow. Sure you pray a lot and read the Bible a lot. Maybe you even go to church a lot. But are you really maturing? Are you becoming more and more like Jesus each day? Or are you the one who panics whenever there’s… Continue reading The Top 3 Reasons Christians Remain Small

Does God Like Us?

(A Letter To Ron) I’ve been thinking about whether Jesus likes us or not?  We know the Bible says Jesus loves us.  But sometimes that’s hard to understand.  After all, God is holy.  God is all powerful.  God is eternal.  His ways are not our ways… So maybe His love is something totally beyond our… Continue reading Does God Like Us?