Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?

Before I believed in Jesus, I’d get furious whenever someone proclaimed  that “anyone who doesn’t know Jesus goes to Hell.” Not that I believed in Hell. Or in a Heaven for that matter. But in my mind, I pictured Christians as nasty dogmatic Bible thumpers who must be eager to condemn others with different beliefs.… Continue reading Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?

Does God Accept Me When I Repent Only Out Of Desperation

So you screwed up big time. You did it your own way and your world came crashing down. Now you’re broke, desperate and afraid to get out of bed. And if you’re honest with yourself, this may be the only reason you’re turning to Jesus now. So even your motives suck. You’re drowning. All you… Continue reading Does God Accept Me When I Repent Only Out Of Desperation

Being Stuck In The Desert

(Letter to Helen) I know you’re in despair. And that it appears you will always be in debt, always be unemployed and have never ending depression. This is a lie. I am praying for you. The Lord uses this time to draw you to Him. You can yell at Him, cry at Him, talk to… Continue reading Being Stuck In The Desert

WOW: Wish I Knew This Sooner!

The Difference Between Intelligence and Genius Intelligence: Being able to learn from your own mistakes Genius:  Being able to learn from other people’s mistakes True Humility Is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. You are valuable to God. But never let your value get in the way of listening to God… Continue reading WOW: Wish I Knew This Sooner!

Categorized as Wisdom

Faith & Works-Are You Asleep At The Wheel?

Ever stay up to watch a late night movie on TV? But when you close your eyes for just a second, you find you missed the movie and are stuck watching the credits? We’ve all done this. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re awake when we’re really asleep. Or take the near death experience which… Continue reading Faith & Works-Are You Asleep At The Wheel?

Do We Have Spiritual Amnesia? Do We Think Facts Are The Truth?

Helen, I write because I know you’re struggling with finances and raising a child with special needs. That in some ways you feel your life is bleak and will never get better. And on the surface, you’re right. You’re a single mom, you’re trapped in a low wage town and your son has lots of… Continue reading Do We Have Spiritual Amnesia? Do We Think Facts Are The Truth?

Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To

  Why False Guilt Hurts God and Keeps You From Getting Close To Him  Ron,  I’ve been thinking about past sins and why we have a desire to punish ourselves for them. Sometimes the punishment takes the form of physically trying to hurt ourselves. Or by doing some kind of body numbing penance. But more… Continue reading Feeling Guilty Over Past Sins We’ve Confessed To

Does God Like Us?

(A Letter To Ron) I’ve been thinking about whether Jesus likes us or not?  We know the Bible says Jesus loves us.  But sometimes that’s hard to understand.  After all, God is holy.  God is all powerful.  God is eternal.  His ways are not our ways… So maybe His love is something totally beyond our… Continue reading Does God Like Us?