What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?


Below is a letter based on what I wrote to Ron, a Christian who thinks he’s a filthy rag and unworthy of love because of his sins. If you struggle with trying to do enough to please God, then this may be helpful to you. Please know that you are no longer in debt. Jesus… Continue reading What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?

Don’t Believe The Hype!

I had few pleasures growing up in New York City. But one thing I really enjoyed was going to the movies. I remember back in 1989 I was so excited to see the much acclaimed “Batman” with Michael Keaton. I’ll never forget that experience. There were so many commercials, so many flyers, so many advertisements.… Continue reading Don’t Believe The Hype!

A Mess In Progress

Often, it’s the slow learners who make the best teachers. I should know. Ten years after being a Christian, I was still seeing prostitutes. Twenty years after being a Christian, I was still in the grips of pornography. I’m free of that now. But realistically, what if I went back to it all tomorrow? Would… Continue reading A Mess In Progress

Freeing Up Quality Time For The Creator of the Universe

Blog Roadmap What Is Prayer Time (What should we use it for) Why We Have No Time To Pray Using Our Daily Routines To Free Up More Quality Time In Our Busy Day What Is Prayer Time? (What should we use it for) First, let’s talk about what prayer time isn’t. Prayer time is not… Continue reading Freeing Up Quality Time For The Creator of the Universe

The Top 3 Reasons Christians Remain Small

So you’ve known Jesus for many years but never seem to grow. Sure you pray a lot and read the Bible a lot. Maybe you even go to church a lot. But are you really maturing? Are you becoming more and more like Jesus each day? Or are you the one who panics whenever there’s… Continue reading The Top 3 Reasons Christians Remain Small

Being Stuck In The Desert

(Letter to Helen) I know you’re in despair. And that it appears you will always be in debt, always be unemployed and have never ending depression. This is a lie. I am praying for you. The Lord uses this time to draw you to Him. You can yell at Him, cry at Him, talk to… Continue reading Being Stuck In The Desert

Faith & Works-Are You Asleep At The Wheel?

Ever stay up to watch a late night movie on TV? But when you close your eyes for just a second, you find you missed the movie and are stuck watching the credits? We’ve all done this. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re awake when we’re really asleep. Or take the near death experience which… Continue reading Faith & Works-Are You Asleep At The Wheel?

Do We Have Spiritual Amnesia? Do We Think Facts Are The Truth?

Helen, I write because I know you’re struggling with finances and raising a child with special needs. That in some ways you feel your life is bleak and will never get better. And on the surface, you’re right. You’re a single mom, you’re trapped in a low wage town and your son has lots of… Continue reading Do We Have Spiritual Amnesia? Do We Think Facts Are The Truth?