
Faith & Works
Fruit & Growth
Old Testament
Praise & Prayer Time
Small Groups



My Body My Choice?
What are the implications of this statement? Is it really true?

Faith & Works

What Is Faith? How Do We Leverage Our Faith?
Find out the Bible’s definition of faith and how to put such into practice?

Are You Too Holy To Desire God’s Promises in the Here and Now?
Does God actually promise us earthly rewards? Is it OK to seek these?  And what’s the difference between self interest and selfishness?

Works v. Leveraging Your Faith
Are works and faith the same thing? If not, how can I leverage my faith to abide in Jesus more?

Why Self Pity (Not Trying) Is Far Worse Than Failing
Self pity happens to the best of us. But woe to us if it becomes a habit.

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?

Faith & Works: Are You Asleep At The Wheel?
If we’re saved by faith, what’s the deal with works? But if we have no works, do we truly have faith?

Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?
Why we can never be good on our own.

What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?
If you want to “work” for God, worry less about sin and more about relationship.

A Few Bread Crumbs Please (Why We Have No Fruit)
Why we need to spend quality time with our Lord and what does it mean?

Why Good People Go To Hell (For Non Christians)
Explains sin and why we need forgiveness and atonement apart from our good works.

To Tithe or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?


What Is the Fear of the Lord?
Can any fear be good? How do we know if we have too much or too little?

Fighting Spiritual Amnesia
Truth is not about facts or your circumstances. Truth is grounded in relationship.

Top 3 Reasons Why Christians Remain Small
Are you growing in knowledge but never really maturing? Do you panic whenever there’s hardship in your life? Perhaps the reasons why are here.


Judging vs Assessing: What’s the Difference?
How do we know when we’re assessing or secretly condemning?

Feeling Guilty For Past Sins
When we feel guilty about what we’ve already confessed to, it’s just pride in disguise! So why do we do this? And how can we do better next time?

A Mess In Progress
What it means to be in the thrall of sinful addictions and yet to rest in God’s righteousness.

Being A Christian At Work
What does it mean? Can I do this without getting fired? Dealing with hurtful people.

Fruit & Growth

Are You Too Holy To Desire God’s Promises in the Here and Now?
Does God actually promise us earthly rewards? Is it OK to seek these?  And what’s the difference between self interest and selfishness?

Embracing the Personhood of God
What are we missing in our prayer life that makes it so dead?

The Full Armor of God
Putting on the full Armor of God in your daily prayer life.

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

Why Self Pity (Not Trying) Is Far Worse Than Failing
Self pity happens to the best of us. But woe to us if it becomes a habit.

Top 3 Reasons Why Christians Remain Small
Are you growing in knowledge but never really maturing? Do you panic whenever there’s hardship in your life? Perhaps the reasons why are here.

Finding Jesus at the Dollar Store
Are we asking God the wrong questions when we pray to Him? Is it any wonder we’re not getting the right answers?

Don’t Believe The Hype
Spotting the lie of self reliance and what to do about it.

A Few Bread Crumbs Please (Why We Have No Fruit)
Why we need to spend quality time with our Lord and what does it mean?


Growing Where You’re Planted
Loving others where you work, play or drink your coffee.

To Tithe or Not To Tithe: Is Tithing Still Required After The Resurrection?

Loving My Neighbor in a Post Covid World
Practical giving during a world wide pandemic.

Can We Handle Prosperity?
Are we too small minded to receive God’s worldly blessings?

Giving Hilariously!
How to be a cheerful giver. Knowing who to give to and what to give them!

Cheap On Things But Lavish On People (Taking A Delight In Giving)
Is it OK to spend on others and come along for the ride? Or must you be a monk and always in self denial? How do you know when you’re too much in love with  this world versus having a joyful time?


Are We Abusing God’s Grace?
Why does God give us grace? Can we lose it?

What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?
If you want to “work” for God, worry less about sin and more about relationship.

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

Top 3 Reasons Why Christians Remain Small
Are you growing in knowledge but never really maturing? Do you panic whenever there’s hardship in your life? Perhaps the reasons why are here.


Embracing the Personhood of God
What are we missing in our prayer life that makes it so dead?

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

Why Can’t Christians Love God?
What the Modern Church isn’t teaching about the first and greatest commandment.

Top 3 Reasons Why Christians Remain Small
Are you growing in knowledge but never really maturing? Do you panic whenever there’s hardship in your life? Perhaps the reasons why are here.

Finding Jesus at the Dollar Store
Are we asking God the wrong questions when we pray to Him? Is it any wonder we’re not getting the right answers?

A Few Bread Crumbs Please (Why We Have No Fruit)
Why we need to spend quality time with our Lord and what does it mean?


The Problem With Self Punishment
Did you know that punishing yourself is idolatry? And worse, it makes you sin more not less!

Feeling Guilty For Past Sins
When we feel guilty about what we’ve already confessed to, it’s just pride in disguise! So why do we do this? And how can we do better next time?

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?

A Mess In Progress
What it means to be in the thrall of sinful addictions and yet to rest in God’s righteousness.

What Can I Do To Earn What God Gave Me For Free?
If you want to “work” for God, worry less about sin and more about relationship.


Blessing Your Neighbor by Expanding Your Margins (How To Create a Space for More Than Just You and Your Inner Circle)
Are we too busy to love our neighbors? How do we carve out time for them?

Growing Where You’re Planted
Loving others where you work, play or drink your coffee.

Freeing Up Quality Time For The Creator Of The Universe
Why we need prayer time and what to do with it.
How to carve out time during our daily routines.


Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What About Those Who Never Heard of Him?
A blog for both believers and non Christians.

Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?
Who is God? Are we really good? Should God just accept us as we are?

Why Good People Go To Hell (For Non Christians)
Explains sin and why we need forgiveness and atonement apart from our good works.

Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?
Why we can never be good on our own.

Were All People Condemned to Hell If They Lived and Died Before the Resurrection?


Is Gay Sex OK As Long As Both People Are Happy? What Is it That Makes Something Right or Wrong? (An Honest Discussion with Non-Christians)


Why Does God Say He’s Great And To Be Worshiped? Is God A Braggart Or Just Insecure? Where’s His Humility?

The Problem With Self Punishment
Did you know that punishing yourself is idolatry? And worse, it makes you sin more not less!

Do You Suffer From Delusions of Adequacy?
Here are two ways to find out!

Can We Handle Prosperity?
Are we too small minded to receive God’s worldly blessings?


Why Can’t Christians Love God?
What the Modern Church isn’t teaching about the first and greatest commandment.

How God Uses Our Suffering
Is all suffering bad? Can suffering actually provide us with blessings?

Love Defined (A Letter To a Friend)
What is love? Are we loving others or just fooling ourselves?Why Can’t Christians Love God? What Is It The Modern Church Isn’t Teaching Us?

Does God Like Us?
If God likes us, how is this different than love? Does it change how we spend our time with Him?

Growing Where You’re Planted
Loving others where you work, play or drink your coffee.

How To Love My Neighbor in a Post Covid World
Practical giving during a world wide pandemic.

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

Old Testament

Were All People Condemned to Hell If They Lived and Died Before the Resurrection?

Why Would the God of the Old Testament Command the Hebrews To Conquer Their Neighbors and Kill Every Man, Woman and Child?  How Could A Good God Ever Do Such a Thing?


Blessing Your Neighbor by Expanding Your Margins (How To Create a Space for More Than Just You and Your Inner Circle)
Are we too busy to love our neighbors? How do we carve out time for them?

Loving My Neighbor in a Post Covid World
Practical giving during a world wide pandemic.

Growing Where You’re Planted
Loving others where you work, play or drink coffee.

Praise & Prayer Time

Embracing the Personhood of God
What are we missing in our prayer life that makes it so dead?

The Full Armor of God
Putting on the full Armor of God in your daily prayer life.

Praising The Lord And Keeping It Real!
Tired of forcing yourself to have a praise life?
Here’s how to spice things up a bit!

Freeing Up Quality Time For The Creator Of The Universe
Why we need prayer time and what to do with it.
How to carve out time during our daily routines.

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

A Few Bread Crumbs Please (Why We Have No Fruit)
Why we need to spend quality time with our Lord and what does it mean?


Do You Suffer From Delusions of Adequacy?
Here are two ways to find out!

Don’t Believe The Hype
Spotting the lie of self reliance and what to do about it.

The Problem With Self Punishment
Did you know that punishing yourself is idolatry? And worse, it makes you sin more not less!

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?


Does God Accept Me When I Repent Out Of Desperation Rather Than Because I Feel Guilty?
What does it mean to repent? What does the Bible say about seeking Him only in desperation?

Feeling Guilty For Past Sins We’ve Confessed To
When we feel guilty about what we’ve already confessed to, it’s just pride in disguise! So why do we do this? And how can we do better next time?

The Problem With Self Punishment
Did you know that punishing yourself is idolatry? And worse, it makes you sin more not less!

Do You Suffer From Delusions of Adequacy?
Here are two ways to find out!

Small Groups

Keeping Your Small Groups Real: How To Foster Unity & Spiritual Intimacy
Are you tired of playing church in your home group? Here’s how to encourage authentic, Jesus filled relationships that won’t fall apart at the slightest conflict.

Embracing the Personhood of God
What are we missing in our prayer life that makes it so dead?

Praising The Lord And Keeping It Real!
Tired of forcing yourself to have a praise life? Here’s how to spice things up a bit!

What Does Maturing in Jesus Look Like?
Is there a litmus test we can use to see if we are growing up or simply fooling ourselves?

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?


How God Uses Our Suffering
Is all suffering bad? Can suffering actually provide us with blessings?

What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?


Are We Using Worldly Lies To Promote Unbiblical Truth?
Is that Christianese post on Facebook really a hoax? Why should you care?

Fighting Spiritual Amnesia
Truth is not about facts or your circumstances. Truth is grounded in relationship.

Is Truth More Than Just Having All The Facts?
Why do two people with the same facts reach the opposite conclusions? Could truth be more than just having the data?


What’s Your Story? Is It Really All About You?
Do we understand the real purpose of suffering? Do we assume prosperity comes to the good, and a hard life is only for those deficient in faith? When we suffer, who do we glorify?

Being Stuck In The Desert
Why does God allow us to wander without direction? Is there something we can do to get out of the desert?

Why Self Pity (Not Trying) Is Far Worse Than Failing
Self pity happens to the best of us. But woe to us if it becomes a habit.

Top 3 Reasons Why Christians Remain Small
Are you growing in knowledge but never really maturing? Do you panic whenever there’s hardship in your life? Perhaps the reasons why are here.

Fighting Spiritual Amnesia
Truth is not about facts or your circumstances. Truth is grounded in relationship.


True Prosperity: Are We Using God’s Gifts for Tools or for Trenches? What Does It Mean To Be “In the World but Not of It?”

Can We Handle Prosperity?
Are we too small minded to receive God’s worldly blessings?

Cheap On Things But Lavish On People (Taking A Delight In Giving)
Is it OK to spend on others and come along for the ride? Or must you be a monk and  always in self denial? How do you know when you’re too much in love with  this world versus having a joyful time?


Judging vs Assessing: What’s the Difference?
How do we know when we’re assessing or secretly condemning?

Dealing with Overtalkers: Those You Love, Those at Work, and Those You Don’t Want To Engage
Why does overtalking bother us so? Learn how to have a good conversation with them, or to set the limits when you can’t.

Are We Using Worldly Lies To Promote Unbiblical Truth?
Is that Christianese post on Facebook really a hoax? Why should you care?

What Is the Fear of the Lord?
Can any fear be good? How do we know if we have too much or too little?

Don’t Be Duped Into Fighting The Wrong Fight
How to fight on God’s terms, and in Godly ways.

Things To Grow By
Life concepts to help you love God, love your neighbor and love yourself.

WOW! Wish I Knew This Sooner
Practical things your mom should have told you but didn’t!

Thoughts I Just Had To Write Down
OK. It’s not all wisdom, but hopefully it’s still amusing.


Being A Christian At Work
What does it mean? Can I do this without getting fired? Dealing with mean bosses.

Growing Where You’re Planted
Loving others where you work, play or drink your coffee.