Were All People Condemned to Hell if They Lived & Died Before the Resurrection of Jesus?

Long ago when I was an agnostic Jew living in Manhattan, I always thought that Christian beliefs were harsh, narrow minded, and morally inferior to my own. Like me of old, there are many today who still feel the same way I once did. So this blog is for you and your born again friends… Continue reading Were All People Condemned to Hell if They Lived & Died Before the Resurrection of Jesus?

Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

A few days ago, a lawyer friend of mine brought up the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And to my surprise, she asked me how we could pray for Putin. One thing she suggested, was that we could channel our prayers so the goodness in Putin’s heart would resurface, and he would now change his evil… Continue reading Are Human Beings Basically Good? Or Is Man Naturally Corrupt and Just Waiting For An Excuse To Let Loose?

Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

This blog is meant for both Christians and non-Christians. Christians need to know they vastly underestimate God’s grace and love for those who don’t know Jesus. God bends over backwards to save the lost sheep and to reach those who reject Him. He is far more compassionate and zealous for them than we can ever… Continue reading Do People Go To Hell If They Don’t Know Jesus? What about Those Who Never Heard of Him?

Why Good People Go To Hell

Even in old age, my mom is still a head turner. She’s always been pretty. Always been hard working and always persevered. When we were kids, mom worked three jobs to keep us in an expensive apartment in Midtown Manhattan. Back in the 80’s I remember how hard she fought to support us when my… Continue reading Why Good People Go To Hell

Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?

Before I believed in Jesus, I’d get furious whenever someone proclaimed  that “anyone who doesn’t know Jesus goes to Hell.” Not that I believed in Hell. Or in a Heaven for that matter. But in my mind, I pictured Christians as nasty dogmatic Bible thumpers who must be eager to condemn others with different beliefs.… Continue reading Does God Send Good People To Hell? Are Christians Just Mean Spirited?