Are We Trying To Domesticate God So We Feel More Secure?

The world is a scary place. Just read the recent headlines. In the U.S. alone, we’ve had yet another high school mass shooting, two devastating hurricanes which have ravaged millions, two assassination attempts on a former president who is now running again for office, scary news on global warming, boys and girls jumping to get sex changes, a massive surge of illegal immigrants, and numerous security breaches from enemy cyberattacks. Not to mention that AI has run amok, Israel is again at war, and we just narrowly escaped a massive sea port strike that could have crippled our economy. All this in just the last few months!

The news is horrible. The future so bleak. And Americans are running hot, angry and scared. We know how vulnerable we are and we hate it! Perhaps this is why we’re willing to embrace the “clear cut” simplistic solutions offered by our political parties. We’re desperate for more security. So eager for the illusion of control. Even if it’s all a bag of lies.

But as Christians we don’t have to be afraid. In Psalm 146:3-7 we’re told to put our faith in God not in men. We’re not to trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. For when their spirit departs, they return to the ground…and their plans come to nothing.  In Romans 8:15, the Lord further explains the special relationship we have with Jesus. Scripture says that the Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.

Lastly’ we’re told that we can boldly go before the Lord. We are not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6) So for those who know Jesus, we can turn to the God who protects us. We are to trust Him far more than any worldly advice or the platitudes from our politicos.

But who is this God? Does He align with a political platform? Is He asking us to highhandedly band together to fight all injustice? Does He depend on us to right all the wrongs and restore His kingdom on Earth? If you’re a Christian nationalist or a diehard for social justice, please stop reading now. You won’t like the answers here. The answers are no, no and no.

Many Christians Deal with Their Fear by Erecting a Cheap Substitute of God Instead of the Real God
Scripture tells us our God is not male or female. He is not a Democrat or Republican. Our God is a Holy God. He is Eternal, All Powerful, All Loving, All Knowing, and All Seeing. His eye is on the sparrow and He cares about everything that is good and true. Yes, God cares about the environment. He cares about pets, children, the rich, and the poor. God hates slavery. But God is not limited to these things. And He never says that our goals should be limited to perfecting our life on Earth.

God is not a Christian nationalist. God is not a vegetarian. Nor is His primary goal to make sure the poor become rich, or that blacks and whites have equality or that everyone has equal access to employment or abortions. God cares very little about your right to own guns and property. God is bigger than the U.S. Constitution.

Back in Roman times, there were many injustices just like today. There were corrupt officials, a flagrant disregard for law, sexual perversions and plenty of inequality. There was also slavery. But God’s message back then was the same as it is now. What God cares about most is that we love Him wholeheartedly for who He truly is. And that we demonstrate our love by worshiping Him and Loving Our Neighbors. In that order. Anything else we do is commentary. A mere side note with little or no eternal significance.

So be careful if for some reason you put your social agenda above your neighbor. Or for that matter, half the nation who votes like him.

A God Exactly Like You Will Never Transform You
We know who God is from the Bible. But when we flatten out Scripture to make it simple, we rob God of His glory. The fact is that not all Scripture was meant to be simple. There is supposed to be tension. And sometimes, it’s OK that things are complicated. A great example of this is the tension between faith and works that you find in Hebrews 11 and James 2.

Tension is OK. For we can run to our savior for answers, even when we don’t see the whole picture of what He’s doing. In Isaiah 55, the Lord tells us: My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways… as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

But God doesn’t leave it there. He actually reveals to us the specifics of His heart. If we disagree, we have just two choices:

  1. We abide in Jesus and ask Him to transform our hearts to be like His; or
  2. We choose instead to select only the choice parts of Scripture and ignore or water down anything else which doesn’t fit into our narrow agenda.

If you do the latter, don’t expect transformation. For the real God is not some tame zoo animal to be consulted on special occasions. If you draw close to God, God will draw close to you. The more you give Him your heart, the more you’ll get His!

A Checklist To See If You Have God’s Heart (Or How To Seek His Heart)

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