Whatever this spiritual armor is, we are told to put it on so we can stand our ground when the day of evil comes. Well, the day of evil has arrived. But are we prepared for it? What exactly is this armor? And how can we fight the devil by adding spiritual armor to our daily prayer life?
The answer is that we must take each piece of the armor and tie it into God’s promises. We must actively remember and affirm in faith, God’s character, God’s goodness, God’s faithfulness, God’s purpose and God’s love for us. When we recite back His promises and exalt Him in faith, we have clothed ourselves in Godly armor.
Below is some of what I pray 5 days a week for both me and my friends during my morning prayer walks. To make sure I don’t forget the armor, I start from the top of my head and finish at the bottom of my feet. So don’t be alarmed if this is not in the same order as Ephesians 6:10-17. What’s important is that you pray in any way you can remember it!
The Helmet of Salvation
Jesus, I ask that me, Jon, Dana… put on the helmet of salvation. King, you tell us that we’re saved because we know you. You say that even now we are seated in the heavenly places. (Eph 2:6) That You are ours and we are yours! And that nothing can keep us from your love, not angels, nor demons, nor powers, nor heights, nor depths; nor anything else in all creation. And this means not even we ourselves can separate us from Your love. (Romans 8:39)
You say you will never leave us nor forsake us. So I take You at your word. I trust that You never lie and you will never change your mind. Therefore, I praise You by putting on the Helmet of Salvation. And I take faith and comfort that you have my back. For You are with me forever and always. And when my mortal life is finally over, you have promised me a room in your amazing mansion.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
King, For me and … I ask that we don the breastplate of righteousness. Jesus, you tell us that apart from you, we can do nothing. And that our own righteousness is just filthy rags. You also remind us that our goodness is all about You rather than ourselves. For in Psalm 23, you say that you guide us on the path of righteousness, FOR YOUR NAME’S SAKE. And then, when you died on the cross and came back, you actually became our righteousness. (2 Cor 5:21) So we embrace that it is you who are righteous and that with the Holy Spirit inside of us we too are righteous.
Lord, please help us abide in you and delight in you. Help us be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Help us to quickly align our thoughts, words and actions with Scripture and when we fall short, to quickly confess our sins and repent. Yet even when we fail, You reminds us that we can rest in your righteousness, guilt free and in delight. Thank you for the breastplate of righteousness.
The Shield of Faith
King Jesus, you say that without faith it is impossible to please God. You also say that faith is a gift. And that just like a good earthly father, You delight in giving good gifts to your children. So we raise the shield of faith against the evil one, who bombards us every day with the flaming arrows of fear and unbelief.
We trust that You have our back. We remember how you came through for us in the past. We reflect on your promises, your character and Your love for us. We remember how we can depend on you even when things look hopeless. For You are our great deliverer. And so with this remembrance, we raise the shield of faith, and praise you for your goodness, your character, your love and your steadfastness. Thank you King, for Your faithfulness.
The Belt of Truth
Lord Jesus, on behalf of me and my friends… I hereby buckle the belt of truth around our waists. King, You are the way, the truth and the life. Truth is more than facts and circumstances. Truth goes beyond my feelings. Truth is seeing the facts through your personhood, through your perspective, through your promises, and through the relationship you have with us. It is also remembering how You have worked your miracles in numerous situations with me, my friends and those around us. We reject truth as presented by the news and those around us who don’t follow you. And even when we’re hurt by others, including Christians, please help us filter all opinions, reports and even our own bias, through You who renew our hearts and minds day by day. (For more see Is Truth More than Just Having the Facts?)
The Sword of the Spirit
Jesus Lord, please help us pick up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. King, the Word of God is alive and active. It’s sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. Your holy word judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Heb 4:12) And it equips us to teach, rebuke, and to correct and train both ourselves and others in your righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). So help us wield the sword of the Spirit to glorify your holy name. And to set the captives free! (Including ourselves!)
Feet Fitted with the Gospel of Peace
King, prepare us to be ready to tell others why we believe what we do. Help us answer them boldly; always prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us for the reason of our hope in you; yet help us do it with gentleness and respect. So that we do it with your love, your compassion and your wisdom.
Thank you Jesus.
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Excellent. Thanks for a spirit led look at the armor of God. really appreciate it!
This is great. I like the order and illustrations.