True Prosperity: Are We Using God’s Gifts for Tools or for Trenches? What Does It Mean To Be “In the World but Not of It?”

As a young Christian, I grew frustrated whenever I heard something preachy or sermony. To me, a church sermon on Sunday meant nothing unless it could be applied to my busy work life on Monday. And so for many years, I was starving for practical application: Ways I could know if I was doing it… Continue reading True Prosperity: Are We Using God’s Gifts for Tools or for Trenches? What Does It Mean To Be “In the World but Not of It?”

Don’t Believe The Hype!

I had few pleasures growing up in New York City. But one thing I really enjoyed was going to the movies. I remember back in 1989 I was so excited to see the much acclaimed “Batman” with Michael Keaton. I’ll never forget that experience. There were so many commercials, so many flyers, so many advertisements.… Continue reading Don’t Believe The Hype!