Finding Jesus at the Dollar Store

Christians like to think they’re good people. But deep down many of us wonder if we can ever be good enough. After all, God is perfect. God is holy. And God has standards. As stated by the apostle John, anyone who says they have no sin is a liar. And so we’re left with a… Continue reading Finding Jesus at the Dollar Store

Be Cheap On Things, But Lavish On People (How To Delight In Giving)

As a young Christian, I’d tighten up my sphincter whenever a pastor talked about giving. I wrongly thought giving was all about providing financial support for obscure church programs or distant overseas missions in Africa. True givers were those who always volunteered in the church nursery, or sacrificially dolloped mashed potatoes at an inner city… Continue reading Be Cheap On Things, But Lavish On People (How To Delight In Giving)